Customer vulnerability at MODERN COVER SOLUTION, we are fully committed to our philosophy and by our values. We’re committed to treating all our customers fairly and with respect, and we do this through our investment in training our staff. Our training covers customer service as well as specific areas of support like disability, mental health and recognising those who are in vulnerable situations, whether that is recent of long term.

We know that there are lots of different factors and things in life that can cause vulnerability, whether it is long-term or on a temporary basis. It could be because of age, a physical or learning disability or difficulty in communicating or even mental problems.

We also understand that challenging circumstances do make life difficult, and we want to be sure that you get the best response to your need. To give our customers the best experience we listen to their feedback and continually monitor our advisor interactions.

Our focus is always to make sure that our customers get the best possible service and support when they need it most. We’ll do our best to offer you the right level of help and the most appropriate products and services to support you.

Our customer support team will always try to identify specific needs to provide specialised help where it’s needed.

Sometimes it isn’t always easy for us to realise if you’re experiencing difficulties, so please let the team know if you think they can help. If you’re in a vulnerable situation and need extra help, tell us by calling +44 7383297125 : Monday to Friday 10am to 5pm, Saturday & Sundays & Bank Holidays CLOSED. Or if you prefer, next time you have a reason to call us, let our advisor know of any vulnerability needs and they’ll make a note of it on your account so that we can consider your extra needs when you contact us next time.

It’ll help us to help you better in the future. Alternatively, you can use one of our other contact methods, such as email to you can also give your permission for someone else to contact us on your behalf. You can either call us to add their name to our authorised contacts list, or you can do it at the time. We will ask you to confirm permission to speak to them on your behalf. Don’t worry, any information you give us will be treated in confidence and in accordance with data protection law.